Anemones Vase

Anemones Vase


Among flowers, the anemone, a symbol of purity and innocence, particularly inspired René Lalique, which he then made the centerpiece of many jewels and decorative objects. In 1912, he designed a vase displaying a motif of anemone in blue patinated glass, fashioned in “cire perdue”.

With the Anemone collection, Lalique gives a fresh insight into this creation transfigured to vases available in several sizes and colours, bowls, perfume bottles, and votives. Fashioned in satin-finished and re-polished crystal, emblematic of Lalique, the flowers are juxtaposed in a graphics play on repetition, capturing the ephemeral beauty of flowers.

Large size ( H 49 cm x D 32 cm) available in Clear and Midnight Blue

Medium size (H 32.5 cm x D 21.7 cm) available in Clear, Gold luster, Fuchsia

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