Golden Eagle Sculpture

Golden Eagle Sculpture
Lalique enriches its bestiary offer, which is very popular for connoisseurs.
In 2014 Lalique plays tribute to the magnificence and majesty of this wild bird, the Golden Eagle.
This decorative crystal piece is the perfect gift for all lovers of nature. The golden eagle is a large, dark brown bird of prey with a large wingspan. It is considered to be the most beautiful eagle and the king of the raptors. It has an excellent reputation.The golden eagle is one of the most powerful predators among the raptors.
Since the ancient times it has been the symbol of victory; that is why the Persians placed it above their standards. The Romans considered it to be the messenger of the gods, the bird of Jupiter (god of earth and sky). For the Aztecs it represented the sun and its path, and certain American Indians used its feathers for their headdresses when going to war.
H 42 cm x L 30 cm x W 27 cm